Were you a service member/spouse posted to a Tank Transporter Squadron based in Germany, UK or further afield?
If you were; then welcome to the new Tank Transporting Social Network for Ex Service personnel and Serving Members of Her Majesty's British Army who are/were tank transporter driver/operatives of the RCT or RLC.
This site is not just about the vehicles such as The Antar, Scammell Commander and the modern Oshkosh Truck Tank Transporter, but it's about the people who served in the tank transporting units themselves.
Here at TankTransporter.co.uk it allows for individuals to post photographs and comments and keep in touch with one another through the use of the Internet, it's easy to use and isfree to join.
As a member of the site, you will be able to post old photographs from your scrapbook; you will usually find this located in the attic gathering dust or stuffed into a cupboard never to be seen again, so now is the time to brush off the dust and to start sharing your memories. Don't put it off, spare a few moments and you'll enjoy the response from people you haven't seen or heard of in years.
So if you served in Germany or the UK and you are familiar with the exotic locations such as 16 Squadron in Fallingbostel, 7 Regiment Head Quarters in Sennelager also home to 3 Squadron, 617 Squadron in Hamm and 414 Squadron in Bulford (UK). Or perhaps you are currently serving in conflicts such as Iraq or Afghanistan or even worse civi street!
Where ever you are in the world it's important never to lose touch with old friends - so join today, and you can contribute as much as you want with photo's and comments, just remember to enjoy the site and spread the word.